
Tuesday, December 8, 2009


by Dellbrügge & De Moll (1992)

6‘, color, audio 1+2, Text: Dieter Daniels

The ‘Video Theory' series is composed of four parts, each taking a visually different approach to the closed production circuit of artworks and discourse, and using media theory as a resource for artistic production. The discourse production is supplemented by an additional ‘remix' and an ‘interview'.
The Dellbrüge/de Moll team, which has been working with materials including video since 1989, pursues in its productions a resolutely conceptual, media-theory-based approach often implemented with a generous portion of irony. In the course of the 1990s the two artists have turned increasingly to work in public spaces, and the artistic deployment of the Internet.

Part I of the ‘Video Theory' series operates with animated sign language, meaning that Beate Ermacora's text is comprehensible only to the initiated. Part II of the «Video Theory» series visualizes the English translation of a text by Dieter Daniels as text integrated in the images and staccato of optical stimulations. Part III of the «Video Theory» series converts a text by Matthew Geller into a song accompanied by a guitarist in alternation with passages from a black picture. Part IV of the «Video Theory» series; the visuals integrate a text authored by Friedemann Malsch.

To start reading, click on the link below. Enjoy.

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